Frequently Asked Questions


ATiSURVEYS is a free worldwide earning project.

Sign up to be part of our community and start taking surveys today. Earning with ATiSURVEYS is easy; with a simple sign-up process, you can be completing our quick online surveys right away. Discover how to get paid for online surveys below.

Join now to take online paid surveys. All you need to do is share your opinions. No special skills are required to start earning from our surveys.

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How can I start earning?

Step (1) Register for your FREE account!

Step (2) Log into your account and click on ' Earn Money -/-Offerwalls ' . Each offer and survey that you complete is worth real cash. You can earn with Offerswalls and surveys Up to $20 Keep coming back every day and your earning will grow and grow.

How can I cashout?

The minimum payout is $2 for All members.

After you request your payment, you'll receive it in any of your Perfect Money, payeer, Airtm, Bitcoin, Skrill and Faucetpay accounts.

What is a referral?

Referrals are users like you who have registered in ATiSURVEYS.

These users registered using your username as their referrer.

How can I contact you?

Do you have questions or concerns about ATiSURVEYS Services?

Please feel free to contact us through our website by clicking the Support Button on the footer.

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